Between 1975 -1977 he attended the School of Infantry of Montpellier (France). It was at in a military training center in Morocco that Compaoré met his predecessor the late president of Burkina Faso Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara in 1976 . Compaoré later on 1980 served under the late President Thomas Sankara as Minister of State.
Compaoré became president of Burkina on October 15, 1987 in a bloody coup that killed Sankara. Compaoré described the killing of Sankara as an "accident", however this claim is widely disputed. Upon taking the presidency, he reverted many of the policies of Sankara, claiming that his policy was a "rectification" of the Burkinabé revolution. Blaise Campaore's liability in connection with the assassination of former President has been the object of the first complaint Against Burkina Faso, lodged by Mariam Sankara, Thomas Sankara's widow. In April 2006, the UN Human Rights Committee issued a damning condemnation of Burkina Faso's failure to investigate the circumstance of Thomas Sankara's death.

The government of the Fourth Republic includes a strong presidency, a prime minister, a Council of Ministers presided over by the president, a unicameral National Assembly, and the judiciary. The legislature and judiciary are nominally independent but remain susceptible to executive influence.
Burkina held multiparty municipal elections in 1995 and 2000 and legislative elections in 1997 and 2002. Balloting was considered largely free and fair in all elections. The Congress for Democracy and Progress (CDP), the governing party, won overwhelming majorities in all the elections until the 2002 legislative election, where the CDP won with a small majority of the 111 seats. The opposition made large gains in the 2002 elections.
Compaoré won the November 1998 presidential election for a second 7-year term against two minor-party candidates. But within weeks of Compaoré's victory the domestic opposition took to the streets to protest the December 13, 1998 murder of leading independent journalist Norbert Zongo, whose investigations of the death of the President's brother's chauffeur suggested involvement of the Compaoré family.
The opposition Collective Against Impunity--led by human rights activist Halidou Ouedraogo and including opposition political parties of Prof. Joseph Ki-Zerbo and (for a while) Hermann Yameogo, son of the first President--challenged Compaoré and his government to bring Zongo's murderers to justice and make political reforms. The Zongo killings still resonate in Burkina politics, though not as strongly as in the past. There has been no significant progress on the investigation of the case.

Blaise Compaoré wife Chantal Compaoré - They have been married since 1985

One his relationship with President Gadhafi of Libya
Libya and Burkina have pursued cooperation and partnership relations for a long time. With Colonel Kadhafi, we have converging points of view on many international issues, in particular concerning the necessity of creating the African Union and of guaranteeing the stability of the continent. In the long run, this kind of situation strengthens particular relations. However, these relations, no matter how friendly they are, are first of all defined by our countries’ interests. Furthermore, in my opinion, it would be excessive to talk about an axis between Tripoli and Ouagadougou because it would mean that our relations with Libya exclude other countries. In our foreign policy we really try hard to have the best relations with all the countries."

On Burkina active role and key advocate for regional integration through the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA)
It is also necessary to stress that our commitment in the UEMOA is maintained by the positive results already obtained as well as by expected results. In particular, this concerns the very successful experience of monetary cooperation for about thirty years now; and the Customs Union which is gradually set up, based on the model of the European Union. We are now intending to harmonize common sector-based policies in the fields of energy, transportation, telecommunications, industry and environment.
Another important factor that strengthens our action in favor of integration are our populations’ customs. For centuries now, they have maintained different contacts with other peoples. Therefore, the people of Burkina Faso are inclined to accept the idea of union with the people of the Ivory Coast, the Malians and the Ghanaians. In Burkina, you can find several social associations that advocate sub-regional integration, as well as African unity in general.
Finally, the fact of being the headquarters of the UEMOA certainly gives us more responsibilities, as regards the acceleration of the integration process. We always try hard to rigorously apply community decisions, in particular those that concern the elimination of tariff barriers between member States, and free circulation of people and goods.
On the new relationships between Burkina Faso and the Asian and Arab states in the middle east
Arab countries intervene financially in important fields and domains that promote development such as major construction works (dams, village water supply, roads, etc.).

On his years of government experience and the need for institutional reforms in Burkina Faso
The main lesson that I learnt from this experience is that it is not enough to say “where there is will there is a path”. No matter how noble the ambitions are, concrete action depends on a certain number of objective factors. For example, how to chose between one thousand priorities in a country like Burkina that is confronted with difficult problems. With extremely limited means it is necessary to develop, almost simultaneously, infrastructures, education or the health system.
Since the adoption of the Constitution of the Fourth Republic in 1991, we have regularly undertaken reforms. As the process of democratic construction is carried out, new requirements appear; and it is necessary to continuously readjust the system, in order to adjust it to the wishes of the citizens and to the evolution of the society. In the last two years, a large number of reforms have been undertaken. The presidential mandate, which lasts 7 years, was brought down to 5 years, and it is henceforth renewable only once; a law was voted on the financing of activities of political parties and, in particular, the election campaigns; a statute was adopted for the opposition to improve the framework of its participation in the political life; the transparency of elections was strengthened by setting up a Committee with an organization totally independent from the Central Administration. In fact, this Committee includes 15 members proportionally representing the government, the opposition, and different associations. We also adopted the “single ballot” introducing a system of proportional representation, launched an important program of decentralization and so on. All of these reforms were carried out in a consensual way.
For more on this interview click here Blaise Compaoré InterviewMORE INFORMATION
A Majority of the Text is from the USA Department of State Bureau of African Affairs Overview on Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso President Web Portal
Prime Minister of Burkina Faso Website
Blaise Compaoré Interview
Do you know if the President has any pets?
blaise compaore you have truly betray a friend and you have betray Africa as well but your time will soon come
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