Tambin aka Fula Flute
The tambin, traditional Fulani flute of the Fouta Djalon highlands of Guinea. A little-known instrument outside West Africa where it is revered for the profound effect it has on listeners, often bringing them to tears with its haunting sounds and melodies that reach deep inside one's soul. It can be encountered sometimes as one travels through the back country, emanating from the forests, fields and mountains as if the song of a spirit.

Tambins come in several keys; from E, up to Bb. The most common ones are F, F#, G, Ab and A. They produce one complete diatonic scale, starting on the lowest note of the second register (the 3rd of the scale) and going up three registers to the sixth of the scale. The first register is disconnected form the scale. These instruments are usually constructed from a conical vine from the forests of Guinea, the largest end being on the side of the embouchure and tapering down to where the fingerholes are. The bore can vary from 5/8" to one inch. Source: FulaFlute.net
Tribute to Obama by Fula Flute (WOW!!!)
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