Rama Yade is currently the Junior Minister for European Affairs and Human Rights in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France as of 2007.
Rama Yade was born on December 13, 1976 in Dakar, Senegal. Her mother was a professor of history and her father, also a professor, was the personal secretary of former President of Senegal Léopold Sédar Senghor. Yade moved to France in 1987 with her parents. She first grew up as a child of an affluent diplomat in a pleasant residential district, but later moved in with her mother when her parents separated. A Muslim by faith, Yade was educated at Catholic schools. She attended the Immaculate Conception Convent School and then went on to study political sciences at Institut d'études politiques, graduating in 2000.
Yade then worked at the Paris Town Hall and the French National Assembly before becoming an administrator at the French Senate in 2002-2007. Her roles at the French Senate included being Director of Communication of the parliamentary television channel Public Sénat and administrator at the Senate's local authorities department.
Yade joined the UMP political party in 2005 and became their national secretary in charge of Francophone affairs in 2006. She credits Nicolas Sarkozy's charisma with making her want to join the UMP, rather than the party's rightist values. In June 2007, Rama Yade was one of three women of African descent appointed to Sarkozy's cabinet. The others are Fadela Amara and Rachida Dati.
Rama Yade has also written a book, Noirs de France, published by Editions Calmann-Lévy in 2007. Yade is married to Joseph Zimet, an adviser to Secretary of State Jean-Marie Bockel and son of the famous Yiddish singer Ben Zimet.
Rama Yade was born on December 13, 1976 in Dakar, Senegal. Her mother was a professor of history and her father, also a professor, was the personal secretary of former President of Senegal Léopold Sédar Senghor. Yade moved to France in 1987 with her parents. She first grew up as a child of an affluent diplomat in a pleasant residential district, but later moved in with her mother when her parents separated. A Muslim by faith, Yade was educated at Catholic schools. She attended the Immaculate Conception Convent School and then went on to study political sciences at Institut d'études politiques, graduating in 2000.
Yade then worked at the Paris Town Hall and the French National Assembly before becoming an administrator at the French Senate in 2002-2007. Her roles at the French Senate included being Director of Communication of the parliamentary television channel Public Sénat and administrator at the Senate's local authorities department.
Yade joined the UMP political party in 2005 and became their national secretary in charge of Francophone affairs in 2006. She credits Nicolas Sarkozy's charisma with making her want to join the UMP, rather than the party's rightist values. In June 2007, Rama Yade was one of three women of African descent appointed to Sarkozy's cabinet. The others are Fadela Amara and Rachida Dati.
Rama Yade has also written a book, Noirs de France, published by Editions Calmann-Lévy in 2007. Yade is married to Joseph Zimet, an adviser to Secretary of State Jean-Marie Bockel and son of the famous Yiddish singer Ben Zimet.
"There is no denying that Rama Yade is a beautiful symbol and a powerful promise. She carries the hope that France will finally acknowledge cultural harmony as the defining issue of its future, leaving aside the national obsession with generational conflict inherited from May 1968."
RAMA YADE chanson
Rama Yade dans l'équipe de Nicolas Sarkozy
Day Life
Chuma hasa
un saluto da scorzè, peace and freedom
she's a celebration of true, pure, african beauty.without takin anything away from her intelligence, on cant help commenting on how radiant and stunnig she is in the looks department.
its the dawn of the black man's era is here!
gday, thanks for visiting the links, and having comments
desenclavement de l afrique
passe par une route
autoroute couplee d une voie ferree, sur 8000 kilometres
une bonne societe d ingenieurs conseils exclusivement francais la ou il n y a plus rien a faire
from australia
cai tan le
Ms.Yade, in a week that her immediate boss Bernard Kouchner to his shame sought to undermine her and her post, showed that she is not only a brave but a principled woman. Her speech at the junketing in Geneva on Friday Dec 10 to mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights was a credit to France and breath of fresh aid amid hours of hypocrisy and double-speak from representatives of some of the world's most oppressive regimes, especially those of Islamic countries. Ms.Yade, to the credit also of all Muslims like her who refuse to be cowed by the Islamists and their protectors and collaborators who hold power in so many states, did not mince her words on the evils of female genital mutilation and stoning, nor on the execution of children and homosexuals in many of those same countries. As a 71-year-old white European secular humanist of mixed anglo-saxon and celtic background, I say: Bravo, and all power. Women like her can help build a genuine new future for my daughters and grand-daughters and their friends around the world.
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